Boku No Hero Academia Season 6 Episode 9 Review

 – Boku No Hero Academia Season 6 Episode 9 Review does contain spoilers –

My Hero Academia Season 6 Episode 9 Review- Our Boys Grew Up

The Awakened Shigarki is on a war path, but thankfully Aizawa's Erasure has things somewhat under control, so long as he can keep the Symbol of Fear in his line of vision. Deku has the chance to make himself scarce and remove One For All from immediate danger; however, this natural-born Hero isn't about to let anyone die while he runs away with his tail between his legs.

Izuku arrives just in time to save Eraser Head from Shigaraki's clutches and, between himself, Endeavor, Gran Torino, and Bakugo, the Heroes do their best to keep the psychopath at bay; until he manages to fire a Quirk nullifying bullet straight at the unsuspecting Eraser Head.

Aizawa's Altercation

Displaying some of the sharpest reflexes and quick-witted logic around, Aizawa does not hesitate for a second as he amputates his own leg with a swift swipe at the knee to stop the effects of the deleter round from erasing his Quirk. Regrettably, this sacrifice appears to have been made in vain because Shigarki takes the chance while everyone is distracted to close the gap between himself and the "cool" Eraser Head and furiously slashes at his face, landing a vicious blow right across both of Aizawa's eyes. Potentially blind and, for the moment, incapable of seeing through the blood, Eraser Head loses sight of the formidable villain; and everyone knows what that means!

Meanwhile, the rest of Japan springs into action as the evacuation efforts intensify, with around twenty cities between Wakayama and Kyoto in direct danger of Gigantomachia's path of destruction. The UA students back at the Villa are in complete awe about how quickly their battle changed course, feeling incredibly dishearted because they apparently did not pose much of a threat (if any) to the oversized beast. Even though Machia ingested Momo's sedative, it seems to have no effect on him (or it will suddenly kick in at a later stage; only time will tell.) Majestic uses his levitating abilities to propel everyone to safety, but it does not look like he survived the ordeal as Gigantomachia's ruthlessness knocks him out of the way.

Deku vs Shigaraki

Shigaraki is more than pleased to have access to his powers again; however, it appears he is not running at full capacity any longer, as his body is showing startling signs of strain. For the first time since his Awakening, Shigarki considers the notion that his transformation process may be incomplete (and as fans are aware, only 80% of the procedure was fulfilled before the Heroes intervened.) The Symbol of Fear has to continue fighting without his Super Recovery capabilities but, seeing that he only needs five fingers to get the job done, that doesn't seem like too much of an inconvenience.

Just as Shigaraki is about to activate Decay once again, Deku whips out his Blackwhip tendrils in a stroke of genius and quickly scoops up Shigaraki and his allies. He then cleverly combines this with Nana Shimura's Float Quirk to lift everyone into the air and stop the miscreant from touching the ground's surface. Realizing that he may have overextended himself a bit, Deku delivers the Heroes back to the floor and focuses his full attention on Shigaraki, even though he should be running for the hills now that All For One is back in the picture. However, if viewers know anything about Izuku, it's that he is not the type to back off from a fight if others are in danger.

Ensuring to keep the menace at a distance (for the most part), Deku swings Shigaraki around like a murderous yo-yo and gives him a decent beat-down. Unfortunately, because his legs are needed to keep control of Float's movements, the Hero is forced to rely on his fists to get the job done, even though any severe damage could permanently mangle his arms for good. Izuku doesn't hesitate to pull out all the stops with 100% Full Cowl punches and launches a relentless attack, delivering epic blows with his Detriot Smash, Wyoming Smash, St Loius Smash, and Texas Smash techniques. Although he may seem to have the upper hand at this point, the pair of prodigies are essentially having a battle of endurance, "chipping away at each other to see who lasts longer," not the most failsafe method of winning.

Bakugo's Breakthrough

The other half of the "House Arrest Boys" watches from below but, for once, Bakugo does not appear to be filled with rage and battles with regret instead. Having evidently done some self-reflecting, the temperamental Hero seems to have re-evaluated his relationship with Izuku, offering the boy some respect while chiding himself for his own bull-headed bully behavior. Bakugo is taking his responsibility as One For All's secret keeper quite seriously, and shows concern for Deku's skeletons, which are slowly falling out of the closet. Even though he has his own problems to deal with, Bakugo has clearly spent a considerable amount of time pondering his "rival's" fate and is particularly concerned about the lack of information regarding One For All's Fourth User, whose cause of death is conspicuously absent from the records.

In need of an aerial-based attack to support Deku in his solo mission, and with Ryuukyu too injured to fly, Bakugo's explosions are the best bet at getting airborne, but he is still going to need some help. Ignoring Rock Lock's astonished protests, Endeavor climbs onto Bakugo's back while Shoto Todoroki tags along to cool his dad down, giving him a chance to store up enough energy to inflict some worthwhile damage. Finally, back at maximum firepower, Endeavor blasts his potent Prominence Burn directly at Shigaraki, thoroughly engulfing the young villain in flames as he begins to burn to a crisp, with seemingly no chance of survival.

Taking this as an opportunity to seize control of his host body, All For One's voice emplores Shigaraki to relinquish the reigns, and the original Symbol of Evil joins the party and wastes no time in activating Rivet Stab, leaving Endeavor as its unlucky target. With the big guy out of the way, All For One makes a bee-line for Deku as he attempts to reunite with his long-lost brother; but Bakugo suddenly steps in with the ultimate act of heroism and shoves Izuku out of harm's way, taking the full brunt of the brutal attack in the process. With most of the Heroes now completely out of commission, only a handful remain to take down the charred Shigarki while the terrifying All For One takes the wheel.


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